Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Staycation the Third: A Whole New Summer Experience

It's summer, ladies and gentlemen! This a very exciting thing. And for me, it's a totally new concept.

What? How could summer be a new concept? Don't you have one every year? Well, one might say that where I live, winter is so awful summer is like a totally new concept every year...something we spend months and months dreaming about until it's finally here. But no, this is not the reason summer is new to me. Summer is new to me because...(drumroll please)...

It's my first ever Summer Off.

The past four summers, I taught summer school. That meant I was still working all the time, just a little bit less. The two summers before that, I worked at a childcare program and went to graduate school classes. The four summers before that, I was a college student and worked at a daycare center, had an internship at General Mills, and did some other things I don't remember. One summer I worked at Curves for Women. I also worked at a credit union and as a nanny.

And before that, my mom gave me "summer homework." Literally. I was writing book reports and doing math sheets during the summer. Can someone give a sista a break? (Well, in this case I shouldn't complain since I graduated with honors and now have a Masters' degree...so thanks, Mom. You win this one.)

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. SUMMER! I am taking the summer off. In past summers, I was so Type A (nothing's changed, still am) that I thought if I didn't work during the summer, I'd spend all my time eating Ben and Jerry's and watching Netflix and trying to figure out what to do with myself, and I'd melt into a puddle of boredom and brain goo. However, after an incredibly exhausting school year, I have decided to dedicate the next two months to the art of relaxing. I am told this is a very enjoyable thing to do. I am personally not exactly acquainted with it. But I think me and Relaxation will be very good friends by mid-August. 

I have decided that my goal will be to not do things that feel like work. Or sound stressful. Or are stressful. I considered traveling to Guatemala, but that would have been stressful. I considered finding some summer employment not directly related to my job, but that would have been work. I considered subbing for summer school...but that also would have been work. So instead, I'm Not Working. And you know what that means...Staycation Time!

Naturally, if I'm staycationing, I have to blog about it. I'm really excited!

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