Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Fun

It's finally summer again! I will be working a LOT this summer, finishing my Capstone, teaching summer school and going to tons of training sessions for work. So in between, my goal is to get in as much relaxing as possible!

I had a few days off work this week, and I was going to try and clean the house, do some at-home projects, work in the yard, wash my car, start work on my paper again, etc...and then I realized, I'll be working for the next seven weeks. Why start now? 

So instead, I...

Read three novels, 

Went to see a movie in the park, 

Salsa-danced with friends, and

got caught up on the latest season of Drop Dead Diva. 

Oh--and of course, spent three days in my pajamas. 

I love summer!

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