Saturday, March 31, 2012

Vol.2: Spring Staycay!

It's that time again: long-anticipated and much-needed Spring Break. It's so amazing to have a week off of work to catch up and recharge.

Since last August's staycation was such an amazing experience, it's time for round two: Spring Staycay!
So far, I've got a few plans:

- take a nap
- check out the Soap Factory (since I missed it before)
- visit the $2.50 theater (I JUST found out it existed--how cool is that?!)
- eat cheesecake
- bake something
- read a novel
- read a not-novel
- Oscars movie marathon
- check out two TV shows I haven't seen yet (possibly Downtown Abbey and Grimm)
- go to the gym at some point
- clean something (let's face it, clutter and mess are major causes of stress)
- take another nap
- Pie Wednesday!
- sit by the lake and read
- do my planning for work early, so I can spend the rest of the week not doing it (does that count as part of my staycation? i'm not sure it does)
- drink something out of my wine glasses
- paint my fingernails (I NEVER do that!)

Wow, this list is pretty long. I bet I can knock it out of the park!

Some delicious inspiration.


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