Saturday, March 31, 2012

SS Part 1: Friend or foe?

The fuzziest bathrobe in the world. 

And so, fuzzy bathrobe, we meet again. Are you friend or foe? Will you be the impetus for massive relaxation and an awesome staycation experience, or will you be the guilt-inducing barrier between me and a week of stress-reducing productivity?

I have come to that most critical juncture in my staycation, that fork in the road where I have to decide whether to work or to play.

Bathrobe: PLAY!

Me: But see, if I spend the whole day hanging out with you, I'll just be thinking about how I should be working.

BR:What? BAH! Work is lame.

Me: But see, I could be  doing paperwork, cleaning various parts of my house, organizing and/or discarding other paperwork, writing my capstone, doing the laundry, calling the bank, going to the shoe shop, lifting weights...

BR: OR...

Me: Or what?

BR: You could remember that you are on vacation, doggone it, and spend the day doing whatever the heck you feel like doing instead.

Me: Hm...tempting...

BR: It is the very first day of vacation, meaning you have the whole rest of your vacation to spend working if you really want to.

Me: True.

BR: So let's do nothing. All day. Unless you feel like doing something.

Me: What a delicious idea.

So I stayed in bed.

 My plan for the day:
- shower (when I feel like it)
- go to the meetup at the coffee shop (when I feel like it)
- go sit in the hot tub
- take a nap
- go hang out with my friends
- read
- sleep

and do as much of it in my fuzzy bathrobe as possible!

Vol.2: Spring Staycay!

It's that time again: long-anticipated and much-needed Spring Break. It's so amazing to have a week off of work to catch up and recharge.

Since last August's staycation was such an amazing experience, it's time for round two: Spring Staycay!
So far, I've got a few plans:

- take a nap
- check out the Soap Factory (since I missed it before)
- visit the $2.50 theater (I JUST found out it existed--how cool is that?!)
- eat cheesecake
- bake something
- read a novel
- read a not-novel
- Oscars movie marathon
- check out two TV shows I haven't seen yet (possibly Downtown Abbey and Grimm)
- go to the gym at some point
- clean something (let's face it, clutter and mess are major causes of stress)
- take another nap
- Pie Wednesday!
- sit by the lake and read
- do my planning for work early, so I can spend the rest of the week not doing it (does that count as part of my staycation? i'm not sure it does)
- drink something out of my wine glasses
- paint my fingernails (I NEVER do that!)

Wow, this list is pretty long. I bet I can knock it out of the park!

Some delicious inspiration.
