Thursday, August 11, 2011

Part 2: Early birthday present, and bring on the swankiness!

In order to document the fabulous things I'll be doing on my vacation, I decided I needed a new camera. My current camera doesn't take good pictures, and my birthday is coming in three weeks, so I thought I'd just buy myself and early present. I went to Target to buy this camera I wanted, but they gave me the wrong one, so used my phone camera until I could return it. I got a Samsung PL210--nice, and not horribly expensive.

I started by cleaning yesterday--changed my sheets, did the dishes, cleaned the bathroom. It feels good to start out a staycation with a clean(er) house.

One of the recommendations on the Gadling lens was to eat at a swanky restaurant, like a hotel one, but not at dinner--that's the most expensive meal. So my fabulous friend KF and I went to brunch this morning in downtown at the Radisson. It was really quiet, which was nice, and quite swanky indeed!

We forgot to take pictures of our food before we ate it (we were really hungry!) so we took pictures of this bottle instead.

We followed up our lovely brunch with a shopping trip, and I found myself some shoes! And later today, I'm headed to the Fringe Festival.

The list so far:

1.Clean the house
2.Eat at a swanky restaurant
3.Do something fun outdoors
4.Take a day trip to an iconic spot
5.Go to a hotel
6.Go shopping
7.Do an at-home spa
9.Take lots of pictures!

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