After my car got totaled on Wednesday, I decided to take Thursday off. No work. I did not lesson plan, and I did not clean anything. I stayed in bed all morning and I only left the house to go to work. I rented 3 DVDs from Redbox (hence my trip to the store).
1.take a nap
2.Soap Factory
3.$2.50 theater
4. eat cheesecake
5. bake something
6. read a novel
7. read a not-novel
8. Oscars movie marathon9. two new TV shows
10. go to the gym
11. clean something
12. take another nap
13. Pie Wednesday!14. read by the lake
15. plan for work
16. drink something out of my wine glasses17. paint my fingernails
I watched New Girl...
Which I think is an okay show, but not the greatest. I read on TwoCents that Jess is a combination of adorable and annoying, and I think that's a pretty accurate description...
After the Oscars, I decided I'd watch the movies I hadn't seen yet that won awards. On my list:
The Iron Lady
The Artist
Jane Eyre
The Muppets
Yesterday, I watched
To be honest, it was boring. I like sports movies that are more about people than sports, but in this particular case, I just wasn't a huge fan. I sort of felt like it started slow, and the ending was a letdown. But the whole "going against the grain, turning out to be right, changing the way everyone works" thing is kind of cool. And the little song sung by his daughter is cute. I liked the singing at the end. But why turn down a million dollars if you don't have something better to do? I don't quite get that...And why did Jonah Hill get an Oscar nomination?
Today, we watched
Not bad! I'm a big Muppet fan, so I'm really happy that this generation got to see some of the awesomeness that I experienced as a child. Go Jim Henson! I think it's interesting that Amy Adams dresses basically the same way in every scene in every movie she's in. And that Jason Segel sings the most random songs ever (see HIMYM, "You Just Got Slapped").
I'm currently watching
First of all, Juliana Paes is gorgeous. Second, that is definitely the guy who played Superman! And how fabulous are her shirtdresses? I really want to go shopping now.
1.take a nap
2.Soap Factory
3.$2.50 theater
5. bake something
6. read a novel
7. read a not-novel
11. clean something
12. take another nap
16. drink something out of my wine glasses